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Cookouts, Smackdowns and Our New Spring Line!

Hey there sports fans!

We're all super stoked on this weather, and we've traded our coats for shorts and tee shirts and filled our propane canisters in anticipation of all the cookouts we plan to have. Hopefully this year Sam won't catch his pants on fire. 

We've been moving offices over the last week, and all the hard work has left tensions pretty high around the office. Satch and Tennant (our shipping and fulfilling guys) have been holding feats of strength to settle an ongoing dispute over who's hotter: Kelly Kelly or Mila Kunis. Satch said Kelly is the most beautiful woman in the world, and that she could put Mila in a sleeper hold in no time, but Tennant disagreed. Needless to say, some of us have had to watch our backs around the office. I think we're going to hold a cage match.

Also, we recently stained the floors of our new office space, which we're now working out of, and the fumes are still lingering. So if you get any extra weird stuff in your orders, or emails that maybe make you feel uncomfortable, just chalk it up to accidental huffing. 

We're also processing the promo shots we took last week, just in time for our new spring line that we'll be launching on Sunday! If any of you watched the weekly video update last week, you got some pretty good hints as to what's going to be on our new line! Also, I want to clarify that even though our new line is launching on Sunday, April 1, I can assure you that there will not be any tricks or jackassary that will put you in a vulnerable position where we would then shout APRIL FOOLS at you through your computer screen. I promise. No jokes. Pinky swear.

Lastly, I want to introduce myself! My name is Brett, and I'm the newest addition to the PYH team. (Yes, I'm the new guy.) I'm here to help all you fine internet people keep in touch with us. I'll be putting these blogs up every Friday, and posting videos of Sam every Sunday, in addition to running the Twitter and other social networks! If you have any questions or comments, hit me up at brett@plugyourholes.com! 

Thanks for checking in this week, and we'll see you all soon!

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