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May 1st quickly approaches.

Some of you may have seen the hoopla regarding May 1st, and everything changing. Well, that's exactly what's happening. You'll have to wait a few more days to see exactly how much "everything" is changing, but I assure you that it is a lot. Now we have to get back to work, and get everything changed. 


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The law is a serious thing. Plug law, is the most serious, serious thing.

 Brett brings out his inner Ice T on this weeks video. Some plugs are missing, and we need to get to the bottom it. 

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Our new Spring Cleaning video. It's a hoot.

 I don't want to type anything. Just watch it. I'll type more next time. 

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Videos are Back!

In the midst of complete chaos we put videos on hold. We are now getting our feet back under us, and figure that we should do more videos. Better videos. The best videos. Here is the beginning. 

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Jee Whiz Kids!

Battered and bruised, and maybe broken we are finally back from our world wide run of festivals. We have been in Australia, Asia, and Texas for SXSW, and more. It's been rough. Total Blood, Sweat and Beers. But, we're happy to be back. We have so many awesome things in the coming weeks, that I can barely stop myself from typing them. Punch your self in to the feed. Sit back. Relax. Prepare to Get Stoked. 

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Ends 2.28.13

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The 12 Sales of Christmas are back!

That's frickin' right folks. The 12 Sales are back, and they're getting nasty. Go look for yourself. And try to control yourself. I don't want the neighbors to get worried when they hear the shrieks of delight!

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Vanna, Iwabo, and a Buffalo Wild Wings.

 Well it's Monday. Nothing exciting about that. Just raining and cold. Saturday on the other hand, was a hoot. 

Our homeboys and home girl in Iwrestledabearonce, and Vanna came by the Plug Your Holes, pirate ship booty palace HQ warehouse. Times were had. Later that night they played at the Granada in Lawrence KS, and more times were had. The show was great, and faces may or may not have been melted off. 

After all of that nonsense we got our eats on at B-dubs, and talked sports, and other trivial garbage. A great way to spend a Saturday. Make sure you go see them next time they're near you!

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Our Hearts Go Out!

Our hearts are saddened to learn of the passing of Mitch Lucker (Suicide Silence) today. Please keep your prayers and thoughts with the Lucker family, and all of the friends he has made over the years.

We have already received dozens of requests to offer Mitch and/or SS Plugs. We will do no such thing. To offer something like that now, would just be taking advantage of a tragedy for personal gain. Please understand where we are coming from.

With all of that being said, you can (if you so choose) order plugs with any image you like with our custom plugs option. If you feel that plugs are the best way to honor Mitch, then feel free, but please do so with the right motivation.

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Autumn is upon us!

Football is back, and soon the leaves will turn. Here at PYH we're stoked. This fall means hooded sweat shirts, Football office parties, Some awesome festivals in Dallas and Chicago, and some great new PYH gear coming very very soon.

Make sure to pick up one of our new Back to School packs! It's everything you need for the school year aside from the plugs. 

Oh and if there was ever a question that you've had, that maybe you wanted to be answered awkwardly....HERE YA GO. 

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The Summer Is Winding Down

 But that doesn't we me are! 

Warped Tour will be over in around a week, after which we'll be restocking a lot of our out of stock items, and adding some new products as well! In case you didn't catch us on Warped this summer, you'll have the opportunity to pick up all of our summer exclusives online. Awesome, right? Right. 

We're going to be shooting another "Sh*t People With Plugs Say Video," and we want your help! If you have any funny one-liners or witty sayings that revolve around your stretched lobes, send 'em our way and they might make the cut into the final video! Also, if you live around the KC area and want to be a part of the video, send an email to Brett@plugyourholes.com and we'll make it happen!

Additionally, we're really excited about a super secret fun-time surprise that we'll be dropping in a couple weeks! Here's a hint: it may or may not have something to do with a certain aquatic animal that has an entire week dedicated to them. That's all you get for now, you'll know the full details soon enough!!

As always, we love hearing from each and every one of you, and if you have some sweet photos or videos from Warped this summer, send 'em our way because we want to make a photo scrapbook! Okay, maybe we don't have a photo scrapbook, but we've got instagram! (Pro tip: you can follow us on instagram @plugyourholes).

That's all for this week, now go out there and enjoy what's left of summer!


Brett and the PYH Team

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Warped Tour, SILYMI, 4th of July and pool parties. Summer is in full effect.

We're not even half way through Warped Tour 2012, and the times we've all had have been amazing. So many people have been coming to say hey. Seeing old ld friends, and making new friends is what the summer is all about. 

From playing bag toss in a Walmart parking lot, to blowing things up in another Walmart parking lot, this summer is jam packed with fun. Just take in some of the pictures below, and imagine that you were there with is. We sure wish you were. 

Also make sure to come check out the PYH express table at the Acacia Strain/Oceano dates of Scream It Like You Mean It. 

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