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1/2" (13mm) Plugs

You've arrived at the correct collection if you need 13mm odd-sized plugs and gauges. The 1/2" inch is a more suitable size for measuring materials. Although it is still labeled as 1/2" inch, it actually bridges the gap between common and big sizes like 9/16" and 1/4" jewelry sizes. Stretching your piercing to 13mm is recommended to avoid any potential damage. While this particular size is typically only seen as an in-between size, PlugYourHoles.com offers a broad range of jewelry to select from. Single and double flare options are available to match any preference, and materials like stone, glass, wood, silicone, and stainless steel ensure you'll discover an item that fits your needs. Check out our 13mm plugs collection and get the body jewelry that's right for you!


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