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The Summer Is Winding Down

 But that doesn't we me are! 

Warped Tour will be over in around a week, after which we'll be restocking a lot of our out of stock items, and adding some new products as well! In case you didn't catch us on Warped this summer, you'll have the opportunity to pick up all of our summer exclusives online. Awesome, right? Right. 

We're going to be shooting another "Sh*t People With Plugs Say Video," and we want your help! If you have any funny one-liners or witty sayings that revolve around your stretched lobes, send 'em our way and they might make the cut into the final video! Also, if you live around the KC area and want to be a part of the video, send an email to Brett@plugyourholes.com and we'll make it happen!

Additionally, we're really excited about a super secret fun-time surprise that we'll be dropping in a couple weeks! Here's a hint: it may or may not have something to do with a certain aquatic animal that has an entire week dedicated to them. That's all you get for now, you'll know the full details soon enough!!

As always, we love hearing from each and every one of you, and if you have some sweet photos or videos from Warped this summer, send 'em our way because we want to make a photo scrapbook! Okay, maybe we don't have a photo scrapbook, but we've got instagram! (Pro tip: you can follow us on instagram @plugyourholes).

That's all for this week, now go out there and enjoy what's left of summer!


Brett and the PYH Team


I just started stretching. You’ll be getting a lot of buisness from me hahaha

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