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Two Weeks Into Warped Tour

 Hey friends!

So here we are, two weeks into this year's Vans Warped Tour! Already we've had one of the best summers ever, and it's all thanks to YOU! We really do love it when you guys come and hang out with us, so keep it up! We hope you're taking advantage of the Warped Tour exclusives that we're offering on the road, because they won't be available after the tour is over! We just got some sick snap-back hats in, so we'll have those for the remainder of the tour as well. 

Also, if you're going to come see us on Warped, make sure to bring us some candy. If you bring licorice, gummy worms, or root beer barrels, we will give you some free stuff, or some killer discounts on PYH gear! We're not even kidding, because when it comes to candy, we don't mess around. 

On another note, we want to tell everyone who's been wondering: YES, we are restocking many of our plugs and shirts! It's been a crazy busy summer for us, and we've been doing all we can to keep up with you! We are literally restocking a good chunk of plugs as I type this update, and we should have another shipment of shirts and tanks in over the next couple weeks. So thanks for being patient! We know you guys hate waiting, but just remember what Mom always said, "Patience is a virtue!"

In even better news, we'll be hitting 75,000 likes on Facebook next week (hopefully!), and you know what that means: DISCOUNT CODES! So get stoked and spread the word! Tell all your friends! Tweet about it, post about it, share it on your wall, make a YouTube video about it, create a Pinterest pinboard of people getting excited and name it "The Looks on People's Faces when PYH Hits 75,000 Likes on Facebook." Seriously, let people know. The faster we get there, the faster we can give you guys a code for new gear! 

Lastly, we want to say thank you! Thanks to everyone who picked up some goodies on our Customer Appreciation day, who has come and hung out at Warped Tour, and who continues to come back and purchase from us. We love you all!


Brett and the PYH team

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