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This heat wave is insane!

Hey there!

This heat wave that's barreling through Kansas City right now is awful and it has been killing our stamina, but that's not to say that we're slacking! We're still working as hard as we can to get you wonderful people what you've ordered, and keep those smiles on your pretty faces! Although, a nice cold bottle of Mountain Dew would be nice right about now...

Anyways, now that we've digressed, we want to let you know what else is new around the PYH office! We're working really hard on getting all your custom plugs made and shipped, so if you ordered a pair and are wondering where they are, trust us, they're coming! Also, we're starting to gear up for Bamboozle and Warped Tour for the summer! We're so excited to come and hang out with everyone, and can't wait to see all of our friends again! (Yes, even you too, Canada)

We're starting work on designing our new Summer line, which should be out in a couple months, and we want you guys to get as stoked about it as we are! This has by far been the best year we've had here at Plug Your Holes, and we owe it all to you! 

Last Sunday we started a contest through our YouTube page where we want you guys to create a video and submit it as a response to our weekly update! All you have to do is mock or mimic Sam and his regular update videos, and the funniest one wins $100 in PYH cash! Doesn't that sound awesome?!

Also, in keeping with the coveted "May the 4th be with you," we've got a special, one day only discount code for everyone! Just choose your side, Rebel or Imperial, and use your code to get 20% off ALL ORDERS! If you're a rebel, use code "IAMREBEL," and if you're an imperial, use code "IAMEMPIRE" when you check out! Both codes get you the same discount, but the side with the most uses gets an extra special gift with their purchase. What are you waiting for? Go get on it!


Brett & the PYH team

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